Welcome to 180 Sails

180sails.com was built to revolutionize the way you buy sails. We took an entirely different approach to designing, building, and quoting sails. Now you can build and quote sails instantly with expert recommendations on materials based on the way you sail!

Gone are the days of having to submit information and wait for an email or call back from a sailmaker. You don’t have to wait for a sailmaker to come to your boat and take measurements to know how much your sail will cost and what material you should use.

@180sails all you have to do is select the make and model of your boat, tell us where you sail and what your preferences are and our AI system will recommend the best sail for your needs and budget. From day sailing, to cruising, to grand-prix racing, and offshore ocean sailing, we have you covered.

When designing a sail for you, we take into account where you sail, your budget, and how you sail to instantly give you a quote that is the best match.


Do you like to do things yourself and have control over the finer details. Want to be more involved in the sail design process? Don’t trust the AI to do it for you? That is totally cool with us!

Use our advanced sail building tools to build and quote your sails the way the pro’s do. You can build and quote your sail exactly as you like it.

You can fine-tune materials, attachment types, roach percentages, battens, reefs, sun-covers, and more.

It is 2022, you should be able to buy a sail from your iPhone at the dock! We nailed it. We made sail buying fast and transparent. A sailor now knows instantly what he needs, what it costs, and can track the order process from start to finish.

Andy Camarda, CEO 180 Sails

Ready to Try It?

We have three options to begin building. Mainsails, Jibs/Genoas (Headsails), and Spinnakers (Downwind and Code-0s). All you need to do is select your boats make and model, tell us a little information, and we handle the rest. Lets go!

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