Do New Sails Make a Difference?

Do New Sails Make a Difference?

As a sailor, you may often ponder the impact of investing in new sails for your boat. Do they really make a difference? The answer is a resounding yes! New sails can significantly improve your boat’s performance, including speed, sailing angle, and heel angle, making your sailing experience faster and more comfortable. In this article, we’ll explore what happens as old sails degrade and why new sails make such a significant difference.

The Degradation of Old Sails

Sails, like any other equipment on your boat, deteriorate over time due to various factors such as UV exposure, salt, wind, and general wear and tear. Here’s how old sails degrade and affect your sailing experience:

1. Stretch and Shape Loss

Over time, sails lose their designed shape and stretch out of their original form. The precise shape of a sail is crucial for catching wind effectively and generating lift. When sails stretch, they become baggy, and their aerodynamic efficiency diminishes, causing performance issues.

2. Material Fatigue

The materials used in sails, whether Dacron, laminate, or advanced composites, degrade with prolonged use. UV rays from the sun break down the fibers, salt causes abrasion, and constant flapping wears out the fabric, leading to weak spots and tears.

3. Increased Drag

Old sails with stretched fabric and distorted shape create more drag. This increased resistance slows down the boat, making it harder to achieve optimal speeds and reducing overall performance.

4. Difficult Handling

Worn-out sails are harder to handle, making tacking and jibing more difficult and less efficient. They may also require more frequent adjustments, adding to the sailor’s workload.

The Benefits of New Sails

Investing in new sails brings a host of benefits that dramatically improve your boat’s performance and your overall sailing experience.

1. Improved Speed

New sails are designed and cut to precise specifications, ensuring they have the optimal shape to catch wind efficiently. This improved aerodynamics reduces drag and increases lift, allowing your boat to sail faster. With new sails, you’ll notice a significant boost in speed, especially in lighter winds where old, baggy sails struggle to perform.

2. Better Sailing Angle

The shape and structure of new sails allow for better pointing ability, meaning your boat can sail closer to the wind. This improved sailing angle (also known as pointing ability) is crucial for upwind performance. With new sails, you can make tighter and more efficient courses, reducing the number of tacks needed to reach your destination.

3. Reduced Heel Angle

Old, baggy sails create more sideways force, causing your boat to heel more. This excessive heeling can be uncomfortable and inefficient. New sails, with their optimal shape and reduced drag, produce a more balanced force, reducing the heel angle. This makes your boat more stable and comfortable, especially in stronger winds.

4. Enhanced Comfort and Control

New sails are easier to handle, trim, and adjust, providing better control over your boat. The improved sail shape results in a smoother ride with less flapping and flogging, enhancing your overall comfort. You’ll find that tacking and jibing are more precise and require less effort, making your sailing experience more enjoyable.


New sails undeniably make a significant difference in your boat’s performance. They improve speed, sailing angle, and heel angle, making your sailing experience faster, more comfortable, and more enjoyable. As old sails degrade, they lose their shape, increase drag, and become harder to handle, leading to reduced performance and comfort.

Investing in new sails is an investment in your sailing pleasure and efficiency. At Evolution Sails Chicago, home of, we offer custom-designed sails tailored to your boat’s specifications, ensuring you get the best performance possible. Ready to experience the difference new sails can make? Visit today and get a quote for your new sails!

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