Brand Guidelines
When using our logo, the following guidelines will help ensure that your represent us in the best way possible.
Primary Colors
RGB: 28/53/94
HEX: #1c345e
CMYK: 98/85/36/27
Pantone 534 C
RGB: 244/67/108
HEX: #f4436c
CMYK: 0/88/39/0
Pantone 191 C
RGB: 46/217/195
HEX: #2ed9c3
CMYK: 62/0/34/0
Pantone 333 C

Color logomark, for use on white backgrounds.
Black logomark for use on light colored backgrounds.
White logomark for use on dark backgrounds.
Primary Logos

Color, for use on white backgrounds.
Inversed text for use on dark backgrounds.
Black logo for use on light colored backgrounds.
White logo for use on dark backgrounds.
Horizontal Logos

Color, for use on white backgrounds.
Inversed text for use on dark backgrounds.
Black logo for use on light colored backgrounds.
White logo for use on dark backgrounds.
Stacked Logos

Color, for use on white backgrounds.
Inversed text for use on dark backgrounds.
Black logo for use on light colored backgrounds.
White logo for use on dark backgrounds.
Logo and Trademark Legal Guidelines
If you have received permission to use our brand, please follow the guidelines below:
- Use our logos, trademarks, and brand assets only with our permission.
- Do not modify the logos colors, text, images or proportions in any way.
- Please leave appropriate space around our logo, similar to what you see on this page and our brand assets pdf.
- Our logo must never be used in any way that might imply affiliation with 180 Sails where such relationship does not exist.
- Do no copy or mimic our logo or visual style.
- Do not incorporate our logo or company name in your product images or product names. Do not use our logo to sell products or services.
- Please link to our website when using our logo.